Lekexam.pl is a twin project of the most popular platform preparing medicine students for LEK in Poland. We gained popularity in a short period of time thanks to combining a clear website and a convenient mobile app. What gave us a devoted group of users is also detailed descriptions, thanks to which using textbooks has often turned out to be unnecessary. What is more, it was important for us to include numerous useful features in the app, which would make the ordeal of studying for LEK more bearable. About 150-200 people per year decide to take LEK in English. Some of you sent us emails which showed us the vastness of the problem you must face: similarly to Polish students, you have no access to the exam questions from up to the last 5 years. What’s worse, the questions you must answer are created based on Polish guidelines and Polish textbooks which are not translated into English. You were on your own in this uneven battle. We decided to meet your expectations.
We translated more than 5000 questions and explanations into English.
Yes, all of the questions published by CEM in their datbase are on our platform. According to new regulations 70% of questions on each LEK exam from Febraury 2021 comes from the database. We have all these questions with answers on our platform :)
How many exams are there in the questions database?In the questions database there are exams from 2008-autumn 2021 and questions from CEM database (most of the questions from CEM database consists of questions from 2015 autumn -2021 autumn, which were not officialy published).
Why is going through the questions so important?Even though CEM examiners are well able to surprise from one year to another, as people who took LEK ourselves and are now observing new exams we can see that the careful study of the questions from the previous years is the springboard to success. It happens that half of the questions in a given area have already appeared in previous exams. You can’t lose these points if you want to get a good result.
Are the descriptions worth using?Our descriptions have been created by a team of doctors on the basis of the latest guidelines and the textbooks recommended for LEK. They contain detailed descriptions of particular issues and make frequent references to the incorrect distractors, thanks to which you will save a lot of time while studying and do even better in the exam.