Study for LEK exam

Our Offer

On the platform you will find all the materials necessary to prepare for the LEK medical exam. Learn conveniently using our platform via the website and mobile application.


Questions for LEK Exam

We offer access to historical LEK questions and the CEM LEK question database. All questions in our database have original discussions.

Spaced repetition flashcards


Spaced repetition flashcards in an app help users memorize information by scheduling reviews based on how well they remember each card. Difficult cards appear more frequently, while easier ones are shown less often, enhancing long-term retention.

Gain access to materials

The LEKExam platform offers access to numerous educational materials that will help you get through medical exams

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Use other users' flashcards or create your own sets. Our algorithm based on the spaced repetition method will allow you to remember flashcards for longer.

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Create an individual study schedule for the exam based on the scope of material you choose.

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Solve questions from the LEK exams based on the topics you choose.

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Read thousands of comments written by platform users.

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Mobile app

You can use the platform on the website and in the LEK Exam mobile application (AppStore, Google Play).

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Remember the most important information thanks to our original infographics.

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All LEK questions have original discussions based on recommended textbooks.

Repeat questions from LEK exams, learn medicine more effectively thanks to our intelligent flashcards.
