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We offer access to questions covering the CEM database and LEK questions from 2008.

Select Term (33)

We offer access to archived PES questions from the CEM website and unpublished questions from the latest 5 years for selected specializations.

Select Term (33)

Questions (200)


Indcate the false statement concerning melanoma:

  • A. a malignant neoplasm most commonly derived from cutaneous melanocytes that have undergone malignant transformation.
  • B. a helpful tool facilitating the clinical diagnosis of melanoma is the ABCDE scale.
  • C. the prognosis depends on the stage of the disease.
  • D. the risk of developing another melanoma increases about 10-25 times in a person who has previously had this type of cancer.
  • E. the best diagnostic method is a fine needle biopsy of a suspicious lesion.
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