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We offer access to archived PES questions from the CEM website and unpublished questions from the latest 5 years for selected specializations.

Select Term (33)

Questions (200)


The Mayer-Rokitansky-Kustner and Hauser syndrome is characterized by:
1) primary amenorrhoea;
2) female karyotype 46,XX;
3) scarcity of axillary and pubic hair;
4) congenital absence of ovary;
5) congenital absence of vagina;
6) ametria, rudimentary uterus or rudimentary horns of uterus.
The correct answer is:

  • A. all of the above.
  • B. 1,2,5,6.
  • C. 2,3,4,5.
  • D. 2,3,4,6.
  • E. 1,4,5,6.
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