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We offer access to questions covering the CEM database and LEK questions from 2008.

Select Term (33)

We offer access to archived PES questions from the CEM website and unpublished questions from the latest 5 years for selected specializations.

Select Term (33)

Questions (200)


Medical Rescue Team was called to a man who fell down the stairs. The rescue doctor found out that the patient hit himself hard in the back and stays in a lying position on the spot where he fell. The patient refuses to be taken to the hospital. What should the doctor do in light of the medical law?

  • A. taking into consideration that the patient can be a subject to severe bodily harm, the doctor is allowed to move the patient to the hospital against his will.
  • B. in the presence of two witnesses the doctor should make sure that the patient maintains his refusal and if so leave him on the spot.
  • C. provide information on the potential effects of the injury and suggested diagnostics and then follow the patient’s will.
  • D. notify the psychiatrist, appointed by the province governor, who can take a decision about forced hospitalization
  • E. note down the patient’s refusal in the medical documentation and leave him on the spot.
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